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Delivering Housing Solutions Webinar


  • Lisa Engel, Chief Consultant, Assembly Committee on Housing and Community Development
  • Marisa Creter, Executive Director, San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments
  • William Huang, Housing Director, City of Pasadena

Quick Links for our panelists:

Assembly Committee on Housing and Community Development

Primary jurisdictions are building standards, common interest developments, eminent domain, farm worker housing, homeless programs, housing discrimination, housing finance (including redevelopment), housing, natural disaster assistance and preparedness, land use planning, mobile homes/manufactured housing, redevelopment: housing, and rent control.

San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments

The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) is a regional government planning agency that aims to maximize the quality of life in the San Gabriel Valley. SGVCOG is a joint powers authority that is consisted of 31 incorporated cities, unincorporated communities in Los Angeles County Supervisorial Districts 1, and 5, and three San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water Districts (San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, Three Valleys Municipal Water District, and Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District).

San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust

The San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust (SGVRHT) was formed as a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) to finance the planning and construction of affordable and homeless housing.

City of Pasadena, Department of Housing

Additional Quick Links:

California Department of Housing and Community Development

Los Angeles County Development Authority

Public and Affordable Housing - The Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) manages 2,962 units of public housing at 63 sites throughout Los Angeles County. Additionally, the LACDA manages 267 units at five affordable sites throughout Los Angeles County.

Section 8 - The LACDA provides subsidized rental housing to approximately 25,000 families of limited means through partnerships with approximately 9,200 property owners. 

Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center

The Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center was created to help people list and find affordable, special needs, accessible, and/or emergency housing within the County of Los Angeles. This web-based service is supported by a toll-free call center and helps provide information to the general public as well as professionals seeking vital housing resources for clients.

For help, call 1-877-428-8844 (toll free)
Monday-Friday, 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. Pacific Time. Dial 7-1-1 for TTY.

San Gabriel Valley Consortium on Homelessness – Homeless Services Directory

Accessory Dwelling Units

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs) are an innovative and effective option for adding much needed housing in California.

In the News:

California Recognizes 10 Communities for Prohousing Policies, Congratulations to the City of Rancho Cucamonga

The City of Rancho Cucamonga’s Prohousing application exhibits policies and programs that support the acceleration of affordable housing. First, the city altered its zoning code to allow for mixed use developments, including medium- and high-density, in commercial zones. Additionally, the city has implemented a policy reducing the total number of public hearings from four to two by eliminating the Grading Review and Technical Review Committees, removing barriers to increased housing supply. The city also removed barriers for property owners to create ADUs by eliminating subjective design standards in the development code for ADUs. Finally, Rancho Cucamonga implemented a mobile home accord program to provide rent stabilization to seven mobile home parks and conserve existing housing stock for lower income households.